Playing Classical and Finger-style Acoustic Guitar with Confidence (Seminar)
Overcome performance nervousness, prepare for success!
Starts January 12th, more info below-
January 12 thru February 16, 2015, 7-9pm
Classes will be held at Ranch View Baptist Church
416 Rancho Santa Fe Rd
Encinitas CA 92024
Cost $225 includes book and materials
Class size limited to 12
Registration Form
Join Peter Pupping for a six-week seminar dealing with conquering performance anxiety. Beginning Monday, January 12 thru Monday, February 23, 2015 from 7-9pm this session will invite attendees to play for their peers while learning to overcome performance anxiety. Subjects include various aspects of performance such as preparation, improving techniques such as economy of motion, relaxing the body, tuning out distractions, musical techniques that cancel out nerve problems, and performing frequently for others. The class atmosphere will be very supportive and will help performers find a new confidence to help share their talents. We will also explore ideas about finding performing opportunities.
For more information contact Peter Pupping, [email protected], 760.943.0755
Overcome performance nervousness, prepare for success!
Starts January 12th, more info below-
January 12 thru February 16, 2015, 7-9pm
Classes will be held at Ranch View Baptist Church
416 Rancho Santa Fe Rd
Encinitas CA 92024
Cost $225 includes book and materials
Class size limited to 12
Registration Form
Join Peter Pupping for a six-week seminar dealing with conquering performance anxiety. Beginning Monday, January 12 thru Monday, February 23, 2015 from 7-9pm this session will invite attendees to play for their peers while learning to overcome performance anxiety. Subjects include various aspects of performance such as preparation, improving techniques such as economy of motion, relaxing the body, tuning out distractions, musical techniques that cancel out nerve problems, and performing frequently for others. The class atmosphere will be very supportive and will help performers find a new confidence to help share their talents. We will also explore ideas about finding performing opportunities.
For more information contact Peter Pupping, [email protected], 760.943.0755